조왕규t [1143129] · MS 2022 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2023-02-10 14:42:58
조회수 2,474

알아야할 다의어 몇 개!

게시글 주소: https://showmethescore.orbi.kr/00061952532

기출되었던 것은 *, 기출 빈도가 높은 것은 **, 기출빈도가 매우 높은 것은 *** (15~23년 기출 기준)

01. bear [ber] → 위에서 짓누르고 있는 힘에 버티는 뉘앙스

1.운반하다나르다, 2.참다견디다, 3.지니다, 4.낳다맺다, 5.지탱하다


□ bear in mind : 명심하다 동의어 keep in mind, remember *

□ bear up : 견디다, ~에도 꿋꿋함을 잃지 않다 동의어 maintain, endure

□ bearing : 1.관련영향, 2.태도자세, 3.방향 *

□ have a bearing on : ~와 관계가 있다, ~에 영향을 끼치다 *

동의어 have something to do with, be connected with, be related to

□ bear down on : ~에 전력을 다하다, ~을 압도하다

기출문장1)Since the concept of a teddy bear is very obviously not a genetically inherited trait, we can be confident that we are looking at a cultural trait. 2018학년도 6월모의평가

기출문장2)nationality bears significance 2019학년도 9월 모의평가 번 선지

기출문장3)Bear in mind that schemata summarize the broad pattern of your experience, and so they tell you, in essence, what’s typical or ordinary in a given situation. 2019 학년도 수능

기출문장4)Rather, they are sensed and savored relatively directly, without intellectual mediation, and so what they are called has little bearing on our experience of them. 2021학년도 9월 모의평가

02. character [ˈkærəktə(r)] → 새기다라는 어원의 그리스어에서 유래

1.성격특징인격, 2.문자, 3.인물등장인물


□ out of character : 나답지 않게 행동하다

□ characteristic :  특유의 특징특질 ***

□ characteristically : 특징적으로 *

□ characterize : ~의 특징이 되다특징짓다 *

기출문장1)Empathy is a character trait that we value in ourselves and in our friends, colleagues, and the professionals who serve us. 2015학년도 9월 모의평가

기출문장2)Some novelists prefer to include as many characters as possible in their stories. 2015학년도 9월 모의평가 번 선지

기출문장3)In one sense, every character you create will be yourself. 2018학년도 수능

03. due [duː→ 빚져있다를 의미하는 owed에서 유래

1.만기가 된지급 기일이 된, 2.정당한, 3.~할 예정인도착예정인


□ due to+명 : ~ 때문에 ***

□ be due to v : ~할 예정이다 동의어 be scheduled to v, be supposed to v * 

□ be due to+명사 : ~ 때문이다 *

□ be due at/in 장소 : ~에 가봐야 한다

□ be due 시간 : ~까지 만료다, ~까지 마감이다

기출문장1)It arrived at my destination ten minutes early, which was perfect, as I was due to present my new idea to the company at 10 a.m. 2015학년도 수능

기출문장2)It is a faster, more efficient technique, and much of the increased efficiency 

is due to the use of searching images. 2016학년도 6월 모의평가

기출문장3)Distribution is limited to two trees per household due to the limited number of available trees. 2019학년도 6월 모의평가

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